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Instagram Marketing Trends: How To Use these Instagram Advertising Strategies to Drive Traffic To Your Business

Instagram marketing is an emerging form of internet marketing, where businesses utilize the Instagram platform to promote themselves. Instagram Marketing Trends for 2023 is quite different from previous years with new video formats, post options.

If you were to look at it from another point of view, it would be more accurately described as a social marketing tool. It’s been suggested that Instagram could surpass some of the more traditional forms of internet marketing, such as email marketing, pay-per-click, and even search engine optimization (SEO). We have experienced this platform complimenting our email marketing efforts by driving open rates and engagement.

Instagram isn’t just about posting pictures. It’s also about the user gaining experience and creating relationships on the platform.

Table of Contents

  1. What is Instagram marketing?
  2. Instagram Marketing Trends 2023
  3. Content is King
  4. Instagram Stories: the Backbone of Influencer Marketing
  5. Usage of Reels is in-thing among Instagram Marketing Trends
  6. Instagram Live
  7. In-App Shopping Trending on Instagram
      1. The Explore Tab’s Content Has Doubled
  8. Usage of Branded AR Filters –
  9. Creators will have more ways to Profit
  10. Followers Want to Send Direct Messages to Brands Directly
  11. IGTV Takes Center Stage
  12. Instagram Shoppable Posts and in-app shopping
  13. 7 Businesses Utilising Instagram Trends
  14. Lowes
  15. Sephora
  16. American Express
  17. Maersk
  18. Starbucks
  19. Taco Bell
  20. Converse
  21. Key Takeaways
    1. DINTW helps you implement the present Instagram marketing trends as per your brand’s requirements.
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What is Instagram marketing?

Digital marketers use the Instagram network to promote their online businesses. It’s not just about driving revenues. Through Instagram, brands gain a sense of community, support, and interaction with their target customers. One such use is that Instagram users get involved in the design and creation of their page. As a result, they can get a real sense of how a product or service looks and how they can actively make changes to it, should they want to.

81% of users say that they utilise the platform to discover products and services.

75% of Instagram users will take action on at least one Ad at some point.

Brand content assists people in making better shopping decisions.

130 million Instagram users captivate with shopping content.

Instagram permits you to market your brand and product amicable, simple way without hard selling to your customers.

The fundamental advantage of marketing on Instagram over other social media platforms is its visual nature. If you have a product or service that has a visual appeal, Instagram is the best platform to showcase content, design, and influence your customers. If you or your brand are an artist, then Instagram is your exhibition

Instagram Marketing Trends 2023

Instagram Advertising

With over one billion active users worldwide, the odds are that Instagram is on that rundown of platforms. You will need to know what the most recent Instagram trends are to leverage them appropriately.

The top 10 Instagram marketing trends to look forward to being:

Content is King

It should come as no surprise that content is still king when and the most critical of all Instagram marketing trends. Several content marketing tools may help you generate excellent Instagram content, but don’t worry about the quality. Instagram influencers and companies’ unedited and “genuine” content has been trending since 2019 and will continue.

Of course, you can’t just capture and share anything.

While more candid material is trending, it must still be eye-catching and convey a narrative. With accounts like Humans of New York and influencers revealing their mistakes as well as their accomplishments, Instagram users have grown better at discerning if the material they’re viewing is accurate. Consider fitness influencer Hayley Madigan, who frequently shares both posed and unposed photos on Instagram:

You’ll note the photos are both high-quality and appealing. This validates your brand. The fact that Madigan utilises information that some may deem “unflattering” shows her fans that she isn’t just repeating society’s notion of what “fit” looks like. It also makes her more relatable.

Instagram Stories: the Backbone of Influencer Marketing

Instagram Marketing - Instagram Stories

Today, it’s viewed as not only one of the platform’s most well-known components yet additionally among parent company Facebook’s best products.

Stories have become an incredibly crucial part of influencer marketing. Almost eight out of ten (78%) brands say that Instagram Stories has had an enormous effect on influencers’ content about their brand.
It’s a very famous tool among influencers—as much as 88% of them say they share content on stories consistently.

Usage of Reels is in-thing among Instagram Marketing Trends

As of the 12th of July, 2022, Instagram Reels is available in India. Instagram downloads grew by 11.4% between the 12th of July and the 16th of August, 2022. In India, people are spending 35% more time on Instagram than they were a year ago. There’s a high possibility Instagram Reels will be among the top Instagram marketing trends of 2023.

Instagram Live

Instagram Marketing - Instagram Live

Since Instagram Live was launched in 2016, live videos have become very popular on the platform. Instagram Live usage soared by 70% in only one month. Marketing on Instagram Live offers a lot of possibilities for your business to engage your audience.

  1. One great way to use Instagram Live is to interview an industry expert or influencer.
  2. Use a live video to demonstrate how to use your product in different ways.
  3. Use Instagram Live and connect with your followers in real-time.

In-App Shopping Trending on Instagram

With online shopping expanding in popularity, close by the number of Instagram users, one of the top Instagram patterns to look out for in 2021 is purchasers shopping on Instagram. 70% of shoppers utilise Instagram for product disclosure. There are additionally 130 million users who study more about products by tapping on shopping posts each month. With shoppers investing more time on Instagram, we will not be astonished if in-app shopping begins trending on Instagram.

The Explore Tab’s Content Has Doubled

Instagram Explorer Tab

Go to the explore tab to explore new content and profiles to follow on Instagram. It suggests content based on your past watching habits. Previously, this was a series of post recommendations that you might like. Categories have recently made it easier to locate new content. They now enable you to search for content by category rather than just a list of suggested items. Your explore tab may have a “animals” category, for example. If you like

For marketers, this means optimising Instagram profiles and content to rank better in the chosen categories. Like regular searches, Instagram inquiries will ultimately include SEO.

Choose a niche and start optimising your profile and content with relevant keywords and hashtags. Using the right hashtags for your niche might help your content get listed on the explore tab under the proper categories.

Usage of Branded AR Filters –

While branded effects were insanely popular on Snapchat, Facebook has expanded the idea into a whole platform. Since its launch in mid-2019, over a billion users have used Facebook’s Spark AR Studio to build their AR effects. Consumers may virtually try on clothes or see how a specific décor piece might appear in their area using branded AR effects. This is an excellent approach for companies to promote their items to online buyers.

Creators will have more ways to Profit

An excellent platform for creators to monetise their work. According to 90% of marketers, Instagram is the most effective social media medium for influencer marketing. According to creators, Instagram Posts (78%) and Instagram Stories (73%) are the most successful content formats for influencer marketing.

Producing branded content for businesses, utilising badges in Live, creating IGTV advertisements, and collaborating on shoppable posts are all ways to get paid on Instagram. Plus, creators can make money by selling online courses or goods. Insta is a beautiful way to show off your creative designs by posting and sharing photos of yourself wearing your interests.

Followers Want to Send Direct Messages to Brands Directly

Instagram Business estimates that 90% of consumers follow at least one brand in-app, and 2/3 think Instagram allows brand interaction. Customers reach out to companies via Instagram when they have questions or concerns. Customers want to utilize Instagram for private communications with brands, so businesses should prepare.

As companies receive more direct communication, they may utilize the fast reply option to deliver pre-written answers to frequently requested questions. This allows companies to respond to client issues and complaints quickly and more personally.

IGTV Takes Center Stage

Utilization is probably going to accelerate after Instagram announced plans to permit ads on their long-form video platform. As per reports, IGTV content creators are getting a similar percentage of the ad revenue as YouTubers, driving Instagram into a potential competitor.

When following other Instagram users, you can use Instagram pages or via the IGTV app. It gives you access to hundreds of followers across all social networks, which can significantly boost your Instagram marketing efforts. The second advantage of IGTV is that it allows users to share short videos with their followers and use them as Instagram content. For instance, you can create an IGTV video highlighting a promotional offer, a tip, or a product announcement and share it with your followers.

Instagram Shoppable Posts and in-app shopping

Instagram Shopping Posts

Consumers are increasingly buying everything online, from clothes to groceries to automobiles. In fact, according to Facebook, 70% of consumers use Instagram to discover new goods. As the epidemic delays plans until 2021, customers may boost internet purchasing. Shoppable posts appear in your feed with a shopping bag in the bottom left corner, and you may touch them to get more details.

If you want to sell on Instagram, you must use shoppable posts and create an Instagram shop. Instagram enables you to include clickable links to the goods in your photos. Using these links may lead visitors to a page on your website where they can purchase the goods.

You may also use Shopify to build an in-app shop. As on your website, you may showcase your goods and allow customers to buy straight from Instagram.

Instagram merchants may use Shopify’s or Woo-commerce’s shoppable Instagram gallery plugin to sell straight from Instagram. And, the simpler it is to buy, the more likely people are to buy.

7 Businesses Utilising Instagram Trends

Companies have implemented Instagram marketing trends that have helped them successfully as below:

Lowes Instagram strategy


Lowes did a brilliant job of marketing its products on Instagram: The company got in touch with users by showcasing real-world applications for the products it sells.


Sephora Instagram Marketing

Sephora is a cosmetics and beauty supply store with locations all over the country. Its Instagram highlights an intelligent usage of white space to highlight color, so the eyes of its followers are attracted to the products.

American Express

The American Express Instagram is stacked with tourism images, including its cards being held aloft, a creative way to captivate followers by activating wanderlust

American Express on Insta Stories

Maversk uses audience pics for Insta Marketing


Maersk is a shipping container company. The company creates the list, its objective is to utilize Instagram to draw nearer to customers and communicate with them– not to sell or market. Its objective is to increase engagement.


To market its brand and get in touch with customers on Instagram, Starbucks consistently acquired images of followers and made them part of its brand story.

Starbucks User Generated Content for Instagram

Taco Bell

The fast-food chain has no reluctance to utilize Instagram to market new products. It blends color, fun, and style to make its posts look more like a magazine shoot than generic product marketing. They use VR Filters to bring fun elements to gastronomic pleasures.

Taco Bell on Instagram


Converse Instagram Marketing Strategy
Converse shines at utilising Instagram to leverage user-generated content. Its feed is stacked with fans doing things they love in the shoes they love.

Key Takeaways

Making a strong Instagram presence ought to be an aspect of each brand’s Instagram marketing strategy. It is continually manifesting to be a successful platform for connecting to the target audience. As the platform proceeds to progress and continues to add more features and functionalities, brands that have effectively constructed a following on the forum need to keep focusing on it.

When it comes to Instagram marketing, you should focus on two things:

  1. Engaging users and drawing traffic to your Instagram business profile.
  2. The second part of this strategy is pretty easy: provide useful information to your followers, and engage with them in general.

Make sure to update your Instagram business profile at least once a week, and give away valuable information to your followers. Your Instagram business profile is your portal to the Instagram community, so spend some time maintaining it! The more time and effort you put into Instagram marketing, the better results you will see.

Visit Instagram Ads page on Facebook to know more about advertising on Instagram 

Instagram is a complete powerhouse in the social media era. For companies, there’s an essentially limitless measure of undiscovered potential to stand out enough, vitalize engagement, construct strong relationships, and cruise past those yearly monetary goals.

DINTW Social Media Marketing Agency

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