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Instagram Slang Words

Unlock the Latest Instagram Slang Words and Get Talking: A Guide to Insta Lingo

Instagram is a fast-paced, ever-evolving platform, and the language that’s used on it is no different. Whether scrolling through your feed or posting your content, you’ll likely encounter various slang words you may not understand. To help you keep up with the latest lingo, this guide provides an overview of the most popular Instagram slang words and their meanings so you can stay ahead of the curve and keep your conversations on the app fresh. From the classic “AF” to newer terms like “stan”, get ready to unlock the social media slang words and get talking! Understanding the language of Instagram can help you engage with others and increase your following.

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What is Instagram slang?

Instagram slang is a special and commonly used vernacular you’ll likely encounter on the platform. Internet slang↗ can be used in both public and private comments. Many of Instagram’s most commonly used words and phrases are derived from other social media platforms, pop culture, and everyday conversation. These social media acronyms are often combined with other words for different effects. For example, the popular phrase “bae” is mostly used in combination with “Stan.” You’ll often see Instagrammers use “bae” and “Stan” in the same comment, which means “my bae is a stan.” The slang term is particularly prevalent among young adults and gen z, who use the platform to express their feelings and have casual conversations with friends.

Examples of popular Instagram slang words

#BAE: Before Anyone Else – 100 million posts

“Before anyone else” is an abbreviation for your partner. “Bae” can be used in public posts and comments, but mostly in private messages between partners. “Bae” means “Baby” or “Babe,” basically something “lit” or outstanding. People review places, things, bakeries, and cafes with “Bae,” meaning “Before Anyone Else,” meaning they found or went to the place first.

By the way, “Lit” and a few other internet slang you might want to explore.

#AF: As, If.

AF is the internet slang term for “as if.” When you use “as if” on the social media platform, it means you’re sarcastically emphasizing the item you’re commenting on. For example, if someone commented on a photo saying they liked a couple’s outfit, you might reply saying “as if” with “woke” or “I’m on vacation.”

#BFF: Best Friend Forever

BFF is Instagram slang for “best friend forever.” While “BFF” is popular text slang and primarily used in personal messages among girls, it can also be used in public posts.

#FoodPorn: 290 million posts

The hashtag #FoodPorn is the word for all foodies. This hashtag is popular among food tasters, chefs, food manufacturers, restaurants, and cafés. There are almost 290 million exotic and real-life posts across the social network—enough to make you feel hungry.

Slang FoodPorn


“Thirsty” is an acronym used for someone who is overly eager or desperate for something and has a constant fear of missing out. It can be used to describe someone who is seeking attention or approval from others. This “thirsty” behaviour can be seen in some of the Instagram posts that feature branded clothing, as people are often eager to get their hands on the newest fashion item and show it off. 

#OOTD on social media


OOTD stands for “outfit of the day.” This is a must-use hashtag for clothing and fashion brands. Instagram has emerged as the go-to platform for quick fashion searches. Even high-end brands use Instagram to showcase their collection of outfits and designs. Using this social media abbreviation, you can find a lot of low-cost, street fashion items. There are 553,390 posts on Insta for #OOTD.

Instagram Snake

“Instagram Snake” refers to someone who is constantly posting on Instagram. It’s like the term ‘social media butterfly’, but with a bit of a negative connotation. They tend to be very active in conversations and comment on other people’s posts.

How to use Instagram slang

Follow Instagram accounts, and a socially influential person or browse hashtags to see what others are posting. You can start using Instagram slang words once you understand it. Use Instagram slang like a common phrase in your posts. You could caption the video or pictures with “bae” if someone else does. Don’t use slang on Instagram because it auto-corrects. Use shorter, simpler sentences that include the slang word.

The origins of Instagram slang

Instagram slang is often linked to other popular expressions on the platform. For example, many slang words are derived from other platforms, such as Snapchat or Twitter. A social media person often uses words, phrases, and other expressions that are commonly used in everyday texting. This means urban dictionary words are often based on common phrases, such as “you’re so woke” or “bae.” These terms are often used to add humour and express more casual emotions. For example, people often use internet slang words to compliment others’ posting styles, such as liking a photo or commenting on a post. Slang is also known for being short and to the point, which is another reason why it’s popular among teenagers. You don’t need to use long sentences to express yourself on Instagram, and these words allow you to be more concise while still getting your point across.

Benefits of using Instagram slang words

By including more casual terms in your Instagram pictures, slang might help you stand out on the network. For instance, if you like someone’s photo, you can comment “bae” or “I’m on vacation” to indicate your approval of their post. People will then know that you enjoy the photo and may follow or like your account. Additionally, Instagram slang might help you communicate more concisely on the platform. For instance, rather than spelling out a lengthy sentence in a post comment, you might use Instagram lingo to convey your idea more swiftly. Instagram lingo can also assist younger Instagram users in maintaining connections with their friends and followers. Another example is that you can use Instagram lingo to express rapid emotions in your posts and to appreciate the posting styles of others.

Tips for using Instagram slang

Before you begin using Instagram slang words, it’s important to understand the meanings behind the words. This will help you better contextualise the jargon and make sure you’re using it in the right context. When you start using slang terms, don’t try to incorporate every single word into your posts. Instead, focus on incorporating popular terms, such as “bae” or “stan,” into your posts. Another important tip is to be careful when using terms in your posts. You don’t want to accidentally make fun of or mock someone or use phrases in a way that’s offensive.

How to keep up with the latest slang

There will always be new words coming out, but it’s important to try to keep up with the latest terms. This will help you stand out and connect with other users. To stay up to date with the latest words, you can follow popular accounts that post popular terms and check out popular Instagram hashtags. You can also follow popular Instagram accounts and comment on their posts to learn what urban dictionary they’re using. You can also use Instagram’s built-in search feature to find popular Instagram posts that use popular Instagram slang words. This will allow you to find popular posts that use Instagram slang and learn what they mean.


The best way to get started with Instagram slang if you’re new to it is to become familiar with the most common phrases and use them sparingly. You can enhance the interest and engagement of your conversations by using terms wisely. Thus, you will be prepared to address someone appropriately the next time they post excessively. Learning the urban dictionary can help you interact with your followers more effectively and spice up your captions and comments, whether you are a seasoned user or new to the platform.

Check out the latest digital marketing trends for 2023, if you haven’t already.


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