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Automating Digital Marketing

Automate Your Digital Marketing with these 5 Automation Tools

Automation is a great way to save time and money when running your online store. It also helps you stay focused on other important tasks while letting your website run itself. Automating your digital marketing is one of the best things you can do to increase your sales and grow your business. Read on to see why!

Email Marketing Automation

You can use the most critical function of a marketing automation tool i.e. email marketing to send out automated emails to customers who have bought products from your store. This type of automation allows you to send them messages based on certain actions they take within your store. For instance, if they add an item to the cart, you might send them a message thanking them for buying something. If they checkout, you might send them another message asking if they would like to receive special offers. Do you know automated email can be used across the customer journey to enhance marketing efforts?

You can use email automation tools to keep in touch with your existing customers and maintain a top-of-the-mind awareness. Send out emails at regular intervals, such as once per week or once per month to nudge them across your marketing funnel. This also allows you to keep up your customer experience without having to manually check each day.

email marketing automation

Sharing a view of our campaign monitor

Selling to an existing customer has a success rate of 60% to 70%, but if you are trying to get new customers, chances are only between 5-10% that you will be successful.

Use these steps to check if your email marketing is working

Social Media Management.

Social media automation tools allow you to automate various aspects of your marketing strategy. These tools can help you schedule posts for multiple accounts at once, post content automatically, and even track how well your content performs on social media.

There are several tools available to drive your content marketing strategy. Among several powerful features, Marketing automation software allows you to schedule posts to Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, Pinterest, Tumblr, and more. You can also set up automatic replies so that when people comment on your posts, you respond automatically.

social media automation

One of the easiest ways to start automating your social media channels like Facebook and Instagram is by using Hootsuite↗. It has a free version as well as paid versions. With a social media automation tool, you can schedule posts across multiple platforms at once. You can also set up automatic replies so that when people comment on your posts, you reply back automatically.

If you’re looking for a simple solution for your B2B marketing automation, then Twitterfeed is a good option. It offers a clean interface and makes it easy to post to Twitter. However, it does not offer any analytics or reporting capabilities.

Lead Nurturing and Lead Management

If you’re not using lead nurturing yet, you should start now. This is an essential part of any successful marketing strategy because it helps you identify potential customers who might become leads. Once you’ve identified these leads, nurture them by sending emails, text messages, and phone calls to keep them engaged until they convert into paying clients. Or you may use lead management to keep your sales team updated about the potential customer.

If you’re looking to grow your email list, lead management is an effective strategy. It involves sending targeted emails to your subscribers based on what they’ve done before. This helps them feel valued and builds trust between you and your customers. You can keep track of your customer data between your automation platform and google analytics and tweak your campaign accordingly.

Automation with email marketing

Landing Page Creation.

There’s no denying that landing pages are effective tools for generating more leads and converting those leads into paying clients. However, creating a landing page isn’t easy. It takes time and effort to build a high-quality landing page that will help you generate more leads and convert those leads into paying clients, so it’s important to automate as much of the process as possible. Most marketing automation platforms like SendinBlue, Hubspot, and Adobe Campaign have Digital Content Editors to create highly engaging landing pages in under thirty minutes.

Landing pages aren’t just good at generating leads; they’re also great at increasing conversions. In fact, according to HubSpot, 60% of people who land on a lead generation landing page end up buying something. That means that even though you might not be able to control what happens after someone lands on your landing page, you can still make sure that they leave with an impression that makes them want to buy from you.

You can use landing pages to capture email addresses, collect contact info, and even sell products. They’re also a good way to test out different versions of your website before launching it live.

Lead Generation Automation.

Automating lead generation is an effective way to generate leads for your business without having to spend hours manually searching through social media sites. Digital Marketing Automation is

Before you start automating lead generation, you need to first identify who you want to reach with your message. You should also determine what type of content you want to share with them. Once you have these two things figured out, you can begin building a list of people who might be interested in your product or service.

By automating your digital marketing processes, you may maintain a full pipeline without engaging in repeated chores. Your marketing team may focus on high-impact tasks, such as closing transactions, and devote time to developing new development strategies or enhancing customer experience.

Boost your B2B Marketing Automation – in 15 steps

Irrespective of whether you are a large or a small business you must choose a starting point to automate your digital marketing. Avoid going for shiny and very expensive tools. Focus on solutions that match your business challenge and growth requirements. And if you want us to help you, reach out to us. We make marketing work.

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